Wheelylift: unique, simple and space-saving
The idea behind the Wheelylift is very simple: hanging the bike vertically saves a lot of space. The Dutch inventor of the Wheelylift discovered that there was no handy system for hanging bicycles that were heavier than 10 kilos. He came up with a way that he could. The space saving resulting from the vertical hanging of the bicycles could be as much as 60 percent. Wheelylift.com refined the product and made the storage system suitable for everyone.
What makes the Wheelylift so unique?
The reason that the Wheelylift is becoming so popular at breakneck speed has to do with the following unique features:
- Space-saving
- Thanks to the vertical suspension system, the Wheelylift stores the largest number of bicycles per square meter.
- Suitable for any bicycle
- Whatever bike you have, the Wheelylift will lift it up without any problem. Whether it is a light or heavy bicycle. The Wheelylift can even lift electric bicycles and cargo bikes without any effort.
- Light as a feather
- Parking a bicycle does not cost you any effort with the Wheelylift. This is due to the lifting mechanism that is activated as soon as the wheel is hung on the hook: the Wheelylift then does its work while you watch. This is all possible thanks to the patented movable moment construction. For business users: this means that you hang bicycles in a full health and safe manner.
- Maintenance-free
- The Wheelylift is built in such a way that there are no difficult-to-access parts. That, together with the sleek design, makes the Wheelylift easy to keep clean.
- Damage-free
- With normal use of the Wheelylift, there is no chance of damage to your bicycle.
- Swiveling
- Thanks to the pivotability of the Wheelylift, you can also park a bicycle in a small space, such as a hallway or small shed, easily and efficiently. The bicycle is easily turned against the wall with the Wheelylift, so that the passage is not blocked: your walkway remains free. In addition to being freely swiveling, the Wheelylift can also be secured (see technical specifications at the bottom of the page).

Wheelylift voor de particuliere markt.
De Wheelylift is een fietslift om uw fiets op te bergen. De Wheelylift is daarin uniek, simpel en ruimtebesparend. Met deze betaalbare Nederlandse uitvinding hangt echt iedereen zonder enige krachtinspanning elke fiets op. Interesse in de mogelijkheden? Lees hier meer.

Wheelylift shop.
Wilt u direct weten welke types er zijn en direct kopen? Klik dan op de knop onderaan om meteen door te gaan naar de shop. De Wheelylift is zo besteld en is binnen een paar werkdagen bij u thuis bezorgt. Heeft u andere vragen?

Wheelylift voor de zakelijke markt.
Het idee achter de Wheelylift fietsliften is eigenlijk heel simpel. Uitvinder Jules Sijpkens bedacht een systeem waarmee u fietsen van meer dan 10 kilo op kan hangen, en waarbij veel ruimte wordt bespaard. Het bleek te werken: u kunt hiermee 40 tot 60% ruimte besparen. Wheelylift is met vele projecten erg actief op de zakelijke markt.