Wheelylift: unique, simple and space-saving

The idea behind the Wheelylift is very simple: hanging the bike vertically saves a lot of space. The Dutch inventor of the Wheelylift discovered that there was no handy system for hanging bicycles that were heavier than 10 kilos. He came up with a way that he could. The space saving resulting from the vertical hanging of the bicycles could be as much as 60 percent. Wheelylift.com refined the product and made the storage system suitable for everyone.

How it works 1: put a bike in the Wheelylift

By lifting the front wheel a little bit and hanging it on the hook of the Wheelylift (you will hear a click after you have pressed the lifting arm down slightly), the lifting mechanism in the Wheelylift is activated. As soon as the Wheelylift lifts the bike, you can effortlessly and effortlessly guide the bike by holding it on the handlebars and under the saddle until the rear wheel is in the Wheelylift’s wheel tray. Then you don’t have to do anything anymore: your bike is fixed. If desired, you can push the Wheelylift with bike to the left or right.

How it works 2: remove a bike from the Wheelylift

You grab the bike by the handlebars and at the bottom of the saddle and then pull it off the wall. The arm of the Wheelylift moves the bike downwards in a smooth motion. You will hear a click when the lifting arm is down. The lifting mechanism is tensioned for the next time. Removing the bicycle from the garage also hardly requires any effort.

What makes the Wheelylift so unique?

The reason that the Wheelylift is becoming so popular at breakneck speed has to do with the following unique features:

  • Space saving
    • Thanks to the vertical suspension system, the Wheelylift stores the largest number of bicycles per square meter.
  • Suitable for any bicycle
    • Whatever bike you have, the Wheelylift will lift it up without any problem. Whether it is a light or heavy bicycle. The Wheelylift can even lift electric bicycles and cargo bikes without any effort.
  • Light as a feather
    • Parking a bicycle does not cost you any effort with the Wheelylift. This is due to the lifting mechanism that is activated as soon as the wheel is hung on the hook: the Wheelylift then does its work while you watch. This is all possible thanks to the patented movable moment construction. For business users: this means that you hang bicycles in a fully health and safety manner.
  • Maintenance free
    • The Wheelylift is built in such a way that there are no difficult to access parts. That, together with the sleek design, makes the Wheelylift easy to keep clean.
  • Damage free
    • With normal use of the Wheelylift, there is no chance of damage to your bicycle.
  • Swiveling
    • Thanks to the pivotability of the Wheelylift, you can also park a bicycle in a small space, such as a hallway or small shed, easily and efficiently. The bicycle is easily turned against the wall with the Wheelylift, so that the passage is not blocked: your walkway remains free. In addition to being freely swiveling, the Wheelylift can also be secured (see technical specifications at the bottom of the page).

Parking options: Wheelylift Carousels

If you have larger quantities of bicycles, if you have a bicycle dealer, garage or other space where many bicycles have to be stored, a Wheelylift Carrousel can be useful. In this way your bikes take up as little space as possible. Click here for more info.

Storage options: unused walls

Small pieces of wall, a strange corner in a room; they are spaces that would normally remain unused. By placing one or more Wheely lifts, these spaces are used again in a useful way.

Storage options: various angles

By changing the angle of the Wheelylift, bicycles can also be easily stored in narrow spaces. The correct sizes and data are:

A = 30° B = 40cm C = 80cm D = 100cm E = 260cm

Technical specifications

Material: steel
Surface treatment: electrolytically galvanized blue passivated
Weight: 10 kilos (including packaging)
Length of the housing: 700 mm
Housing width: 55 mm
Distance from house to the wall: 30 mm
Freely swiveling: from 0 ° to 180 °
Drive lifting mechanism: AVMC and gas spring
Factory warranty: 1 year
Minimum required spoke distance with rim: 33 mm
Maximum rim width: 55 mm